Our Stories
We are ordinary people, from all walks of life. We’d like to share with you what brought us to
St. Andrew’s.
If you aren’t sure what your story is yet, or you don’t feel like you have the answers yet, we want you to know that you matter, and God has a plan for you.

My name is Simon, and I'm an international banking lawyer. My wife and I have two children, ages 9, and 8. I started coming to St. Andrew's 4 years ago when we moved into the neighbourhood.
Since we live in the neighbourhood, I thought that I'd give St. Andrew's a try. I was raised United, but I've found the quiet dignity of the Presbyterian church to be a better fit, both politically and spiritually.
What I Like Best: The best part of St. Andrew's is the people, and the fellowship that they provide for me and my children. A close second are the sermons from Dr. Human, which are always a highlight to my week.

I have been attending St. Andrew’s for 11 years. “Footprints of Christmas”, brought me to St. Andrew’s. I just happened to be at the service when one of the organizers asked for volunteers who would be interested in participating in the church’s annual dramatization of Christmas. I enjoyed it and immediately decided to become a member of St. Andrew’s. I have been participating in this annual event every year since then.
What I Like Best: I like the fellowship and the music ministry of St. Andrew’s. I love singing in the choir. I also enjoy helping at many of the social events, and working with the youth.

I grew up in Guyana, South America and came to Canada when I was 12 years old. I have a big family with 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Back home, just like now, I was in a choir and I sang in church and performed in plays. Shortly after moving to Port Credit in 1999, I looked at a few church families to see where I felt "at home". I liked the look of St. Andrew’s and when I walked through the doors, an immediate warm feeling embraced me. St. Andrew's had the serene atmosphere complimented by the warm people I met.
I became a member of the Choir and the Drama Group shortly after joining St. Andrew’s, and I have participated in the Footprints of Christmas drama annually for the past 17 years. I currently am one of the Leaders of the Youth Group.
What I like best about St. Andrew's is the welcoming air, the people in it who have become family through the years, standing beside myself and my husband when there were difficulties starting a family and openly embracing my children when they arrived. I also liked that this God's house had a history and I could just imagine people long ago in Port Credit starting this church, building it and ministering to the community just like it does today. I am so happy to be part of ministering to the community alongside a wonderful church family!

I am a long-time resident of Mississauga, and although I was not previously Presbyterian, church has always been an important part of my life. I taught Sunday School and was an active member of the choir. Over the past few years, I became increasingly uncomfortable with the direction my church was heading. As my disenchantment grew, I began to look online to find another alternative. That is how I found St. Andrew’s.
I began attending services at
St. Andrew’s and immediately felt at home. I am looking forward to learning more about the ministries offered by St. Andrew’s, as I see myself getting more involved in the various programs as time goes by.
What I Like Best: The service is charismatic – I feel that I am filled with the Holy Sprit and I leave with such a warm, good feeling. The people are so friendly. I have always been very active in church life, and St. Andrew’s is a good fit for me.