Need Help with Accessibility?
Let us Know.
We are committed to providing our services to everyone, including persons with disabilities, in an accommodating manner that is consistent with the core principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
Personal Assistance
Your guide dog, service animal or support person is welcome to visit our facilities with you to help you access our service and events. Support persons attending events such as our monthly Toonie Lunch are generally subject to standard fees where applicable.
Alternative Formats
Our bulletins and newsletters can be made available in large print format. We also have large print Bibles available. Please let us know in advance of your arrival. We will do our best to help you.
We have an accessibility ramp at our Stavebank entrance and an accessibility lift for our lower level auditorium, to enable those with mobility difficulties to reach our services and events.
Service Interruptions
If for whatever reason we have an interruption in our services we will post an advance notice on this website and in prominent locations within the church whenever possible.
Training and Communications
Our staff and volunteers are trained to provide our services to persons with disabilities. They are prepared and willing to meet your needs!
Let us know what you need to:
attend our services;
fully understand our handouts;
be part of an upcoming event; or
how we can help you better.
Comments on our services regarding how well we are meeting your expectations are welcome and appreciated. You can provide you feedback to us in any of the following ways:
Download our Printable Accessibility Feedback Form and mail your completed form to us.
Contact us by telephone at: 905-278-8907.
Send us an email at:, with "Attention Accessibility Officer" in the Subject Line.
Large Print Bibles Available in the Narthex
We are pleased to provide Super-Font Bibles (18 point) for use in the church
by anyone who may require the larger font for reading.
Please return them to the Narthex after use
so they will be available to others who may require them.
Thank you.