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We are inviting YOU to our Sunday Worship

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April 3 Induction Service
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10:30am In-Person Worship Service

We are open for in-person worship in our sanctuary.  A video of our service will be posted Sunday afternoons. Visit us on YouTube to see the latest videos from our worship services, or watch the service on our website below. 

YouTube Channel address:




St. Andrew's Port Credit
St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, January 12, 2025.

St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, January 12, 2025.

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St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, January 5, 2025.

St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, January 5, 2025.

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St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, December 29, 2024.

St. Andrew's Port Credit Worship Service for Sunday, December 29, 2024.

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St. Andrew's Port Credit Christmas Eve Service - Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

St. Andrew's Port Credit Christmas Eve Service - Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

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Presbyterian Connection Newsletter -

Issue 24, Winter 2022-2023

2023 PCC Wall Calendar

Our Daily Bread


Meetings Calendar

Scripture Moments

Hymn of Heaven

To Listen to This Hymn Click the Unmute Button in The Video Player Above Which Looks Like This:


Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

                                                                          -- Matthew 5:12 


But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."

                                                                          -- 1 Corinthians 2:9 


But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

                                                                          -- 2 Peter 3:13 


 My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you.

                                                                          -- John 14: 2

What's Happening at St. Andrew's


Click Icon For Event Details

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World Day of Prayer 2023
I Have Heard About Your Faith
Friday, March 3, 2023 - 11:00 am

St. Andrew’s welcomes everyone to worship with us on March 3 as we celebrate World Day of Prayer.  World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. 

Program written by the
World Day of Prayer Committee of Taiwan for WDP 2023
Based on Ephesians 1:15-19

About This Event

Ways to Donate

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Hui-Wen HSAIO, Artist

About  the Theme, Artist and Taiwan

2023 Taiwan


Offering is
an act of worship.

Thank you so much for being willing to give toward what God is doing here at St. Andrew's Memorial Presbyterian Church!   We are committed to using your offerings in a way that honours the Lord.

We Thank You For Your Generosity

By our generous sharing of the gifts, talents and resources with which we are blessed, we participate in the mission of the Church and reach out in loving service to others.

Keyboard and Mouse

Ways to Give









Questions About Donations?

Connection Newsletter

Download the current issue of Presbyterian Connection.


The Presbyterian Connection newspaper is a Christian newspaper that strives to unite Presbyterians from across the country through stories, reflections, interviews and articles, allowing us to share and develop our faith. It is distributed four times per year, free of charge. 

You can subscribe for home delivery of the Presbyterian Connection in hard copy format by completing and returning the Sign-up Form. Contact information is contained on the bottom of the form.    

Read Online

 Presbyterian Connection.

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Mission Awareness
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February 5:  PWS&D Sunday

We give thanks and pray for Presbyterian World Service & Development programs and partners empowering vulnerable communities and supporting abundant life.

On PWS&D Sunday, we celebrate the work our church is doing to serve vulnerable communities around the world. Inspired by God’s promise of abundant life, we are building a more sustainable, compassionate and just world!

Make February 5 a day to reflect on those facing poverty, hunger and injustice and inspire action here in Canada to make change happen around the world.

We pray that all Canadians learn about the struggles and hardship of Black Canadians, who have been largely neglected throughout the history of Canada.

Black History Month: Ours To Tell
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"Every February, people across Canada participate in Black History Month events and festivities that honour the legacy of Black people in Canada and their communities.  The 2023 theme for Black History Month is: “Ours to tell”. This theme represents both an opportunity to engage in open dialogue and a commitment to learning more about the stories Black communities in Canada have to tell about their histories, successes, sacrifices and triumphs.  No matter where you live, we invite all Canadians to learn more about these communities, and how they continue to help shape Canadian history."  --

Honouring the Children
Honouring the Children Fund

In response to the devastating confirmation of unmarked graves on the grounds of former residential schools, and in honour of the children who were lost and all the people living with the consequences of that legacy, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has established a new fund: 

Honouring the Children:

Reconciliation and Residential Schools

Learn More...

DONATE Now To the Fund

International Mission
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Presbyterian World Service & Development
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Inspired by God’s promise of abundant life, Presbyterian World Service & Development envisions a sustainable, compassionate and just world.  You can learn more here about how PWS&D is making this happen.

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Presbyterian World Service & Development

St. Andrew’s supports Presbyterian World Service & Development

and Presbyterian Sharing

by contributing a portion of weekly givings received.

You can allocate a portion of your givings

to go to Missions by indicating your request

in the “message” field of the online donation form >  


We thank you for your generosity.

For over 75 years, Presbyterian World Service & Development has faithfully responded to serve those in need around the world. Together with our partners, we are making a positive difference. We are working together to care for the poor, sick and vulnerable, helping restore human dignity, ease the pain of want and promote community cooperation that benefits all. As people of faith, we are responding to Christ’s call to walk with the distressed and marginalized, and work towards equality, human dignity, peace and care for God’s creation. United, we are working towards a world that is sustainable, compassionate and just.

Local Misson
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The Compass Food Bank
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The Compass is a food bank and outreach centre located and serving Mississauga South. It was established by partnering Christian churches in the Clarkson-Lorne Park-Port Credit area. As a member church, St. Andrew’s donates financially, collects food for donation, and participates in other ways to support the work of the Compass.

The Compass provides a safe and welcoming place for people to come to for help. The Compass offers immediate assistance with food, then works with clients offering practical and spiritual support to the challenges that often come along with a low income.

The Compass has now moved to its new location at 427 Lakeshore Road E., Mississauga.

Evangel Hall Mission
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Evangel Hall Mission is a community service agency that was founded in 1913 by the Presbyterian Church in Canada. For over a century, it has supported individuals experiencing poverty, homelessness, and social isolation in Toronto. Evangel Hall is a safe haven where people living with mental and physical health challenges, fighting addictions, and fleeing abuse can take a rest from their burdens and access supports. The Mission’s services address the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of well-being and are available to anyone in need of support.


St. Andrew’s supports the work of the Mission with monthly donations of sandwiches, baked goods, fruit, personal and feminine hygiene products, socks and new or gently used clothing. 

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Prayers and Support for Ukraine

ACT Alliance Statement on Ukraine

Prayer for the People in Ukraine as They Face War, Danger and Uncertainty

We pray for safety and peace, comfort for those now in mourning, and humanitarian aid for all in need.


God of the Powers, and Maker of all creation; God of justice, and Lover and Maker of peace, we are distressed by the violence and the threats of violence and destruction in the world, and especially by acts of war and brutality that people experience in Ukraine. In solidarity with them, we pray for those who are suffering and in danger, who live in fear and anxiety, who fear what tomorrow will bring, who are anxious for their lives and the lives of those they love and care for, and who mourn the dead.

We pray that those with power over war will lay down weapons, and that those who have power to accomplish peace will have wisdom and compassion. God of Grace, the Giver of Life, send your Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who is everywhere present and fills all things, to sustain the hope of all those who seek justice and peace and to inspire the leaders of nations to do what is right. Glory to you, O God, Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit, now and forever; in the strong name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, we pray.     Amen.

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Presbyterian World Service & Development is receiving donations to help provide emergency assistance to the people of Ukraine through the ACT Alliance, Canadian Foodgrains Bank and other church partners in the region.


Daily Prayers 

Saturday, February 4 (Black History Month)

We pray that all Canadians learn about the struggles and hardship of Black Canadians, who have been largely neglected throughout the history of Canada.

Sunday, February 5 (PWS&D Sunday)

We give thanks and pray for Presbyterian World Service & Development programs and partners empowering vulnerable communities and supporting abundant life.


Monday, February 6

We pray for the people, ministries and mission of the Presbytery of Halifax and Lunenburg in Nova Scotia.


Tuesday, February 7

We pray for the members and work of the Assembly Council.


Wednesday, February 8

We honour in prayer the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024), and we give thanks for Black History Month events that honour and celebrate the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities.


Thursday, February 9

We pray for the people who gather at the Well Church in Mississauga, Ontario. We give thanks for the welcoming space this church plant provides for the third culture community.


Friday, February 10

We pray for the Rev. Lyton Kilowe—Assistant Synod Internal Auditor for the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod, in Malawi—as he pursues a Master’s in Business Administration.


Saturday, February 11

We pray that congregations work to preserve the collective history of our denomination by caring for their church records and congregational history.

Our Daily Bread

Links to Our Daily Bread Ministries Canada

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